Latest news of the group
Crystals special issue "Atomistic Simulations for Exploring the Mechanics of Crystalline Materials"
With my colleagues Dr. Arun Prakash, I am please to be the guest editor of the special issue "Atomistic Simulations for Exploring the Mechanics of Crystalline Materials” of the journal Crystals from MDPI.
New article as a co-author on indentation induced prismatic loop published in Nature Communications
Our new article on In-situ observation of the initiation of plasticity by nucleation of prismatic dislocation loops (open access) is now published in Nature Communications [Lee et al. Nat. Commun. 11, 2367 (2020)]. This work propose an in-depth description of the formation of prismatic dislocation loops in metallic nanowires, by the combination of in-situ electron microscopy and large scale atomistic simulation. My contribution to the numercial part of this work has been carried out at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg in the group of Prof. E. Bitzek.
New article on the FIRE minimizer in LAMMPS published in Computational Materials Science
I am glad to annonce that our new article on the Assessment and optimization of the fast inertial relaxation engine (FIRE) for energy minimization in atomistic simulations and its implementation in LAMMPS is now published in Computational Materials Science.
Schöntal Symposium on Dislocation based Plasticity, 1-6 March
From March 1st to March 6th, 2020, the 4th Schöntal Symposium will be held in the recluse monastry of Schöntal in Germany. I am glad to participate to this symposium focused on Dislocation-based Plasticity and related topics
Kick-off meeting of the german SFB1394 on phase diagrams
On Feb. 17th, 2020, in Aachen, there has been the Kick-off meeting of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC1394) that aim at building fundations of defect phase diagrams. This project funded for 4 years by the DFG (German Research Agency) gathered the strengths of 19 principal investigaors (PIs) from the RWTH Aachen, the Max-Planck Institut for Iron Research (MPIe, Düsseldorf) and the FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg.
New position: CNRS scientist at the LEM3
From January 1st, 2020, I am most happy and pround to be part of the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research). As tenured CNRS research scientist (Chargé de recherche) assigned to the LEM3 laboratory (CNRS - Lorraine University - Arts et Métiers ParisTech), I will pursue my work on the atomistic origin of defects and their consequences on mechanical properties, and on building bridges with continuum mechanic approaches.