On the 20th of June 2016, I will give the presentation "Irradiation damage induced eigenstrains in metals and ceramics: an atomistic simulations of focussed ion beam machining" at the conference COSIRES 2016 (Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids) at the Loughborough University (UK).
With my co-worker Frédéric Houllé, we will attend to Plasticité 2016 on the 11-13 April 2016. This conference will be held in Poitiers and will gather the french-speaking community on plasticity.
The 15th Condensed Matter Days (JMC15) of the French Physical Society (SFP) will take place this year in Bordeaux, in August. I'm co-organizing the minicolloquium "Influence of micro-/nanostructures on plasticity: interplay between experiments and simulations". More details on this minicolloquium.
On the 19 november 2015, I'm invited by Dr. Olivier Castelnau to give a talk at the PIMM laboratory (Processes and Engeneering in Mechanics and Materials) on the "Contribution of Atomistic Simulations towards Multiscale Modeling and Understanding of the Life of Defects in Crystalline Materials".
On the November 5-6, 2015, the general meeting on the Mechanics of Nano-objects of the GDRi (International Research Group) MECANO of the CNRS will take place in Marseille, hosted by Im2np.
I will give an oral presentation on Evidence of pre-strain influence on FIB machining and resulting mechanical properties in silicon.