I attended the last week (18-23 June 2017) the 24th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials that was held in Donostia-San Sebastian in Spain. I presented my work:
- Irradiation induced amorphization and related intrinsic stress in silicon
- Dislocations content in grain boundaries: from atomistic simulations towards a mesoscale representation
- Atomic Scale Study of Deformation Induced Topological Anisotropy in Silica and Silicate Glasses
I'm attending the next general meeting of the international research group (GDRi) Mecano that will be held in Toulouse, May 10-12th, 2017. I'll present some of my research outcomes during a talk entitled "Stress and strain fields induced during focused ion beam machining : a multiscale simulation study".
On the 28 April 2017, I'll be at the UMET laboratory in Lille (France) to give a talk on the Contribution of Atomistic Simulations to Physical Metallurgy.
Once again, the tradition colloqium Plasticité will gather the french-speaking community working on plasticity. After an edition 2016 in Poitiers, Plasticité 2017 will be held from the 10 to 12 April 2017 in Rennes.
I will give a presentation about my work "on the interplay between stress and FIB irradiation damage in strained materials".
Dr. Mousavi (Karlstad, Sweden) will present the work "Atomistic Simulation of Cracks versus Generalized Continua" we are doing in close collaboration with Prof. Korsunsky (Oxford, UK) at the 14th International Conference on Fracture (ICF14) which will be held in Rhodes (Greece) on June 18-23 2017.