I was pleased to give a presentation at the IMM's Summer Party on 30th of June 2018, entitled "On Method to Rule Them All, and at the Atomic Scale Bind Them: Exploring Plasticity Phenomena with Atomistic Simulations".
After more than 4 years working within the walls of the Institute 1 at the FAU in Erlangen, I'm back there for two days, visiting the group of Prof. Erik Bitzek. Unvaluable opportunity to strenghten ongoing collaborations...
On June the 4th, 2018, with colleagues from the RWTH Aachen, I'm going in Magdeburg to defend a research proposal on Wear predication. This project strongly relates to industrial applications, since the funding is allocated by a comity of members of the FVA, an association of companies for joint, pre-competitive research in the field of drive technology [wikipedia].
Spring is coming, so do Plasticité the annual gathering of french speaking researchers on materials plasticity. Plasticité 2018 will be held in Nancy, April 9th-11th, organized by the Institut Jean Lamour, the Université de Lorraine and the CNRS. I'll present work on the Plasticity in Laves phases by atomistic approaches and experiments.
On March 19th, 2018, I'll be returning to the LEM3 in Metz to discuss further collaborations. Invited by Dr. S. Berbenni, I'll meet members of the group MAPLI from the IMPACT departement.