I am glad to welcome Abdallah WAZNE in my group as research engineer (ingénieur de recherche). He will work on the Segregation at Interfaces in Lightweight Alloys towards Tailored Mechanical Properties, within the framework of the ANR-DFG SILA in collaboration with RWTH Aachen in Germany.
I am glad to welcome Djafar IABBADEN in my group as Postdoctoral researcher. He will work on the atomistic fundamentals of plasticity at interfaces in lightweight complex alloys and transfer to continuum models, within the framework of the ANR JCJC ATOUUM.
How does synchro-Shockley dislocations propagate in Laves phases? As published in Scripta Materialia with the title "Thermally activated nature of synchro-Shockley dislocations in Laves phases", we evidenced the different mechanisms responsible for a kink-pair-type propagation sensitive to temperature. More details in Xie et al., Scripta Materialia 235 (2023) 115588. Manuscript freely available on HAL.
Our last work "Unveiling the mechanisms of motion of synchro-Shockley dislocations in Laves phases" as just been published in Physical Review Materials. In collaboration with the RWTH Aachen, we demonstrate that nucleation and propagation of kink pairs is the energetically favorable mechanism for the motion of the synchro-Shockley dislocation. Additionally, we identified a mechanism of nonsequential atomic shuffling for the motion of such dislocation. More detail on Xie et al., Physical Review Materials 7 (2023), 053605. Manuscript freely available on HAL.
Joe Petrazoller, doctorant sous ma co-direction, présentera un poster sur son travail de thèse au colloque Plasticité 2023 à Lyon , du 3 au 5 avril : "Modélisations micromécaniques et simulations atomistiques de la ségrégation des atomes de soluté aux joints de grains".
Programme en détail :
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